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5 Orchards To Rush To


5 Orchards To Rush To

Katie Westerfield

5 Orchards To Rush To

Run don’t walk, y’all.

Yes, there’s still time! As we prepare to bid farewell to October (I’m not crying, you are), it’s time to complete those Autumn bucket lists. And we all know apple picking is at the top. Below is our list of must-see orchards all across the states, and we think we know what your weekend plans will be. A little cider never hurt anyone, friends.

Finnriver Farm & Cidery Website

Finnriver Farm & Cidery Website

  1. Finnriver Farm & Cidery

    Chimacum, Washington

    Located in Washington State, the largest producer of apples in the US, this organic cider farm has everything you’re looking for. An artisan cidery plus 50 acre Orchard for visitors to gather and learn the history of Finnriver Farm.

Applecrest Farm Orchards Facebook

Applecrest Farm Orchards Facebook

2. Applecrest Farm Orchards

Hampton Falls, New Hampshire

“Get back to the simple life. Get back to Applecrest.” I love that. Applecrest Farm is the oldest continuously run apple orchard in America. Four generations of sustainably grown fruits and vegetables and they’re all offered at The Farm Market. Yes please.

County Line Orchard Facebook

County Line Orchard Facebook

3. County Line Orchard

Hobart, Indiana

Filled with all the orchard classics and we love to see it. This season, County Line Orchard is encouraging visitors with the hashtag #GrowingHope in a year with uncertainties. A sweet reminder that the little things, like the beauty in fall, is reason to celebrate.

Bear Swamp Orchard Facebook

Bear Swamp Orchard Facebook

4. Bear Swamp Orchard - Distillery & Cidery

Ashfield, Massachusetts

A family run farm with over 20 years in home-brewing and fermenting hard cider. The perfect stop for all ages. From pick your own apples to brandy tastings, you can get the full feel of autumn at Bear Swamp Orchard.

Marker Miller Orchards Facebook

Marker Miller Orchards Facebook

5. Marker-Miller Orchards Farm Market

Winchester, Virginia

Two words. Bakery Festival. This orchard offers many things I love but I think a day full of enjoying baked goods is number one on that list. Oh, and the century old family history.

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