Kyle Panis
Kyle Panis is an 18 year old Photographer/Cinematographer based out of Denver, CO. He specializes in Lifestyle and Portraiture photography on both digital and film mediums, as well as video shorts and profiles. When he is not off-trail in some part of the United States he is seeking out fellow creatives and wandering through the abandoned treasures of Colorado. Follow his adventures on his Instagram.
The Land Of Enchantment
At 3:00AM Saturday morning (02/07/15) four of us packed into an SUV in search of new terrain and experience. Using Instagram as a vehicle, we were able to connect with other creatives who offered us a place to crash for the weekend and show us around the most interesting parts of Santa Fe, New Mexico. We were fortunate enough to explore Ra Paulette's sandstone caves, Plaza Blanca, Lake Abiquiu, and the Tent Rocks National Monument. On the way home to Denver we came across some vast flatland terrain, an unattended train yard and factory of sorts. As the sun set behind the mountains to our west we were presented with a gorgeous pink to purple gradient to the East, and we soaked in the colors before we made the last leg home.
Check #COsquadron on Instagram to see the other contributions to the trip.

The Forgotten Sugar Mill
Somewhere in Northern Colorado lies a massive sugar mill from the 1950's that that was abandoned due to asbestos. With two five story main factory buildings, an underground Tunnel system and large industrial bridges and equipment, we had to explore the chernobyl-like mystery. Strapped with 3m masks, cameras, headlamps, and smoke screens, we took to the area to experience a refreshing urban setting and attempt to make some post apocalyptic images. We found timecards from the 50's, dolls, large bags of asbestos, and possibly the most awe-inspiring abandoned area in Colorado. All white specks in the photographs are light flakes of snow, that drifted in through the windows and broken roofs of the area like nuclear fallout.
Check #WesternDizzyMill on Instagram to see the other contributions to this exploration.